True Blue Triumph: Goodwill Boosts Loyalty and Sales

Goodwill of Middle Tennessee, a 30-location arm of the national franchise, partnered with Solutions and Clutch to enhance customer retention and engagement through the True Blue Rewards program. By leveraging Solutions Loyalty powered by Clutch's AI retention marketing platform, Goodwill successfully transformed their customer experience, resulting in increased customer loyalty and higher spending per visit.
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Top Challenges
Goodwill of Middle Tennessee faced several challenges in retaining customers and driving repeat visits. Inconsistent marketing campaigns and a lack of detailed data on customer preferences further complicated their efforts.
Why Clutch
Clutch offered a key solution for Goodwill of Middle Tennessee's challenges by empowering a loyalty program and effective marketing campaigns that are powered by AI and intelligent data insights.
Increase in spend from Loyalty members vs Non-Loyalty members
Increase in average order value (AOV) when given a $5 reward
Increase in revenue when members respond to triggered text promotions


Despite their steadfast success, The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee had identified several key areas to improve upon that would support increased revenues and customer satisfaction.

  • Difficulty in retaining customers and encouraging repeat visits: the industry average of returning customers is a mere 20%. Goodwill of Middle Tennessee recognized that if they could retain first time customers and create a higher chance of a repeat purchase, they would build loyal brand advocates and drive continued revenue from their core customer base.

  • Lack of support in content creation: The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee had run marketing tactics in the past, but needed an effective tool to help them create compelling content such as promotional emails and text messages. They also needed an easy way to analyze the performance of those marketing campaigns and optimize them.

  • Lack of data to understand the customer: The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee realized that the fastest way to a powerful customer experience, and therefore loyal customers, was a deep understanding of the customer itself. They sought a way to collect meaningful data and insights about their customer base, so they could improve the customer experience.

  • Data analysis to support campaigns and discounts: The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee had run many campaigns in the past, targeted to specific demographics. Unfortunately, they lacked the data analysis tools to understand if those discounts were truly generating ROI.


By implementing the Clutch platform, Goodwill of Middle Tennessee gained access to market-leading loyalty and marketing orchestration capabilities. They quickly implemented an engaging customer loyalty program and effective email and text based marketing campaigns backed with intelligent data insights.

  • Launched the True Blue Program: In partnership with Clutch, Goodwill of Middle Tennessee launched the True Blue Program dedicated to encouraging loyalty signups, so their brand could create impactful experiences and deeper relationships with their customer base.

  • Streamlined marketing campaigns: Thanks to an easy to implement tool, The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee quickly launched powerful email and text based campaigns that drove immediate results. In addition to generating compelling content quickly, they were able to set up automated rule-based triggers, in order to increase engagement rate.

  • Utilized data analytics & reporting to gain deeper customer insights: The platform came with a powerful reporting tool that allowed franchises to easily understand the impact of their marketing campaigns. They then can seamlessly make adjustments with an intuitive UI, and AI powered data insights. This reporting helped them better understand their customer, but also the results of their marketing campaigns. The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee now has a strong grasp on the ROI of their promotions


The partnership with Solutions Loyalty powered by the Clutch AI Retention Marketing platform brought significant positive changes to Goodwill of Middle Tennessee:

  • Increased customer spend: Loyalty members spent 45% more per visit compared to non-members.

  • Higher engagement from SMS: On average, a text message generated $6.20 in revenue, compared to $2.79 from an email, marking a 120% increase in engagement and sales from SMS.

  • Increased customer spend during reward redemption: During the redemption of a $5 reward, loyalty members spent 72% more than they would without a reward


The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee, in partnership with Solutions and Clutch, created powerful customer experiences that has helped build a meaningful relationship with the brand and their customers. The Goodwill of Middle Tennessee set out to enhance customer retention and drive engagement, while optimizing the ROI of their campaigns. Investing in Solutions, powered by Clutch, provided the insights and tools necessary to achieve their goals. By prioritizing customer loyalty and leveraging advanced analytics, the Goodwill of Middle Tennessee has built stronger relationships with their customers and raised their bottom line.


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See what all the hype is about, and experience the power of Clutch to watch your loyalty programs and revenue soar.